Monday, December 27, 2010 | 4:51:00 PM
Its been so long since I updated this little space of mine. Probably, there's no one there reading this little space.
Well, during this holidays. I tried to look for jobs and work, since I have never look for a official job and start working formally. Most of the time, I worked for my dad for the past holidays, actually, everytimes I would say. This year, I rejected my dad and started looking for jobs.
The first job I looked for was an event job, it was quite relaxing and the customers are kind. However, colleagues are bossssyy and irritating. Boss was great. Well, this job only last for 3 hours.
Then my second job, an event promotor. Bosses and colleagues were great! Awesome! Fun to be with, they blasted musics every morning to lighten up our days. They have outings like fishing, singing etc to socialise. Every one was kind, we can easily mix with them. But however, the job totally sucks ttm. So I quitted.
Third job, it was a event job, sitex 2010. Colleagues were great! The job was kinda easy. The biggest boss was kind. They will ask whether if we're tired, wanna rest or hungry not etc etc.... However, the agency boss, suck ttm!!! totally to the max. The agency, don't allow us colleagues to talk to each other, we can't talk to the opposite booth, we can't talk to our friends. And my job was just a flyer distributor and they expect me to bring in customers for them. Well, they just wanna to make full use of me. They pay me $6/h but want me to work $10/h job. Totally hate the agency ttm.
Last job, it was by my cousin. A cousin that I seldom talk to. The only impression was, he walked my bro and me to school, otw, he asked if we want sugarcane juice -.- Well, this job is as a pasta promotor. Well, the job was alright, just that it does not have any things to do, which leads to the time passing very slowly.... But, my colleagues sucks ttm, they comment on this and that when they actually don't know the situation. For example, a customer wants 100gm of pasta. But I took too much, about 140gm. Of course I have to take it out right? Then my colleague say "slightly more can one, dont be so dumb" Wtf -.- She don't even know its 40gm more!!!!! If its 10gm more, it would be alright. But now, 40gm!!!! Its nearly half a 100gm. DAMN YOU!!!! Another situation is, I saw an extra sticker, so I just stick the stick over the book. The next day, my colleague called me and say " dont read the book when working." Wtf!!!!! Since when I read the book, damn you!!!! You don't know any thing, just dont comment on me!!!! What's your problem man. And other colleagues are all kaypoS and backstabber. I think their acting can win the oscar awards. They act friendly infront of you, but next moment after you left, they gossip about you. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I tht of quitting asap, but I told my cousin until 10 Jan. Should I wait and force myself to commit in this job or should I straightaway quit? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I seriously hate what I'm doing now. I wanna lead a carefree life. Everyday wake up, watch tv, lunch, swimming, suntanning, then watch tv and dinner then watch tv and sleep. That the kind of life I want. I'm alright with my job, but I dont like my colleagues.
Sunday, July 18, 2010 | 10:51:00 PM
Finally I sat infront of my study table and study, its been one week since I lasted did that. As I only spend time on the table for writing stuff, sometimes I rather do that on the bed. Which is more comfy.
Well, I went to NDP Parade 2010 with Jianhui ytd. Its been long since I last attend NDP Parade. I used to attend oftenly when I was young. Its almost every year. Still rmb, there's once my whole family together with my cousins and relatives all attend together, which consist about 15ppl. But, its way back in Singapore Outdoor Stadium. This time, its in Padang, and I don't know where is Padang -.- Parade was great! Fireworks, armour tanks, ships, performance and marching of various department in SG.
After, Jianhui and I head to Pascal's house warming. We reach around 10pm and lefted at 2am. Then we slack all the way to 3.30am! And I reach home at 4am, bathe and sleep.
Joke of the day : ERA is part the marching in NDP. HAHAHAHAHA.
AND NOWWWWWW. Its time for me to sleeeeepppp :D
Saturday, July 17, 2010 | 12:37:00 AM
Friends are getting more and more
emo. And I'm getting busy and busier which damn tiring, totally worn out and want to die
mannn. Well, friends that
emo, cheer up man :D Just don't think so much, enjoy life and don't keep rewinding the bad stuff. Well, life's short, enjoy it.
Just don't think back about bad stuff. Well, this morning, when I was talking to
Siti about stuff, it remind me of some stuff, when I was back, during sec 3. Its somehow a moment of life and death. But yea, shed of few drops and start moving on. It takes time and courage, however, if many are able to do, why can't I ? Its not the end of world.
So, Sunday, I went to
Jianhui house to catch the World Cup finale together with
Jiehan and
Jianhui. Well, total lost of $200. Damn game -.- Didn't catch any sleep and went home to bath and head to school. FYI,
Jianhui's house is just few blocks away from mine. Had a great sleep in class, lesson is somehow, hypnotizing me. I tried my best staying awake, but seriously, I end up hiding behind
Fauzie and sleep. After, its lesson to 4pm and I head off to tuition at 4.30pm. Well, tutor was late, he arrived at 5.45pm and had tuition till 7.45pm. Rest awhile and again another tuition from 8pm to 9.30pm. Its like, the entire world is falling on me. Went for dinner and reach home at 11pm -.- Bath, study and sleep.
Tuesday, fall asleep during chem again, totally deep sleep. Had lesson till 3.30pm and went
AMKhub to watch Despicable me with Karin, Annabelle and Lennard. Well, I was so tired, but I still went, as I promised Karin. In the end, I fall asleep in the theatre. Reach home around 8pm, dinner, bath, study and fall asleep at 9pm.
Wednesday, finally awake for lesson. But, PE was the killer. Played basketball with 5a1 girls. So tired like a dog that I sat/rest in the court for like 1 hour plus. Reach home around 6pm going 7pm. Bath and took a short nap, a very short one, 15
mins. Head out to
Yishun for
thai dinner. Reached home around 10pm. Study and fall
alseep at 11pm.
Thursday, was a day for a normal student. School till 2pm, reach home at 4pm, nap and tuition at 6.30 to 8pm. Reach home at 9pm, dinner and rest. Upgrade my phone and went to sleep at 11pm.
Friday, T.G.I.F!!! End sch at 3pm and went my parent's office to wait for the insurance agent. Well, my mum want me and my bro to buy insurance. Waited all the way to 7pm. Discuss policy to 9pm, but didn't sign as technical default. Must make another appointment -.- Went dinner and home at 11pm. Study on graph for 30
mins and I gave up. And now,
synchronising phone. Well, hope it work successfully.
Thursday, June 24, 2010 | 9:59:00 PM
Happy Birthday Daddy, we went to book a suite at Marina Bay Sands to celebrate his birthday. And had our dinner at Jin Shan, the restaurant that has the lantern room. Well, the food there expensive and also it taste yucky! After, we went the shoppes to look for shoes. On our way, the National Day practise sparkle fireworks. It was like suddenly "POP!" I thought there were people playing with some lame stuff and I shouted "AIYOOHHH"
In the night, my parents went to Casino, and I spend my time watching VMAJ, the MTV concert in Japan. And I saw Big Bang and 2NE1!!
Shall let the photos do the talking.

View from our balcony

34th, the stage looks minute.

The strip lightnings is the shoppes.
The fridge looks normal.

But its with Sensor, the transparent flipping thing? Its the sensor, when the drink or snack was leave the sensor for more than 30sec, it will be automatically charged to the bill.
Monday, June 7, 2010 | 9:03:00 PM
Well, ITS FINALLY HOLIDAY :D Shall start the irregular sleeping timing :D HEHeHEHEHEHEHeE
Fauzie, Siti, ZhengDao, JianHui and me went playing the B-I-N-G-O during Chemistry lesson. HAHahaHa. It was fun. Bingo is a cheap and fun game. It kills boredom and also bring joy and excitement. Especially when you're going to BINGO :D
Then after lesson, I went toilet with Siti and JianHui, I was being so stupid that I ran to the cubicle. And Goddamnit, the floor is wet. And I slipped and fell -.- My arms hit the door, and the toilet cleaner aunty was like" don't play" and screaming here and there, kpkb. JianHui was there laughing so hard. The AUNTYYYYY!! You didn't mop the toilet floor properly, and caused me to fall!!!! AND YOU SCOLDED ME!!!!!! You didn't know anything, you just heard sounds, and you blame me for that. GODDAMNIT aunty. Stop your kpkb -.- DISLIKE -.-