Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | 12:52:00 AM
Life rocking hard. Has been real tiring nowadays.
If I got to sleep at 1 or 2 am the previous night, I will get a afternoon nap for sure.
But lately, although I'm still sleeping at 1 or 2am but I don't even have any time for an afternoon nap.
So boring, school's tiring. So many work to be done but at least I'm satisfied that rather teacher not giving homework and you just wait till your death on December for result slip.
There's account and social studies test tml.
Rofl, I just only memorise 2 factors for the social studies. But at least I already memorise the given factor, so its not so bad. Shall do the rest tml morning. Wahahahha ^.^ too lazy and tired to do now. As for accounts, I know how to do lor. So I'm not going to revise anything. Just do it :D
Well, I don't think we are in the position of complaining that we have alot of tests (which I heard alot of them complaining). Although its true. But we are taking our National Examinations this year. Can't expect teachers to treat us like lower sec or sec 3 right? Unless you're prepared not to enter sec 5NA. Lol, actually I don't really feel like entering sec 5 lor. Such a waste of time in Sgs.
Thursday, March 19, 2009 | 1:49:00 AM
I felt that my mum over protected me on certain things. Some how, she don't really wants me to go overseas study. I always wanted to go UK for further studies. But all because of her, I might be able to do so. I might want to visit Europe after my N levels, but again my mum doesn't really allow me. Now, I want to go Penang with my uncle and aunt, again. Its her. Every single thing is my mum, she's the wall that block me from my future? What does she wants? I've no idea. Seriously, she don't understand anything. Can she let my experience stuff? I'm already going 16 this year, but she somehow still treat me like a 1 year old infant. Anything also protect, anything also somehow don't allow. Actually to the truth, she's didn't say don't allow, but she just goes silent when I tell or ask her about going overseas. Oh, she sucks. Seriously, not that I want to say her. But yea, sucks. I just want to be independent, can't I?
Stop de controle op mij! Ik wil onafhankelijkheid
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 | 3:19:00 PM
Simin getting so bored with life. What can we do during holidays? Sleep, eat, play comp, watch
tv and what
esle? When school starts, we claim that its boring and wanted holidays. When school holiday starts, we claim that we are bored to death that we rather want school. What human are thinking? Oh dilemma dilemma.
My holidays are real boring. Thanks God, its just one week. How am I going to survive for the one month holiday coming soon?
Prehaps I have to work out on my studies as after Mid year exams, its prelims and soon its N levels. Time gonna pass fast, I believe. Suddenly so miss of
Jolanda. She's still in Perth, guess that she doesn't wants to come back too? Have fun there anyway.
Holidays that can
replenish my sleeps. Holidays that can be so boring. Well, any idea of how to spend the holiday wisely? But of course, not studying man!
Monday, March 16, 2009 | 4:21:00 PM
YOYO! Holidays have finally start and for me, it start off very angrily. You guys know why? LOL. I tht of sleeping till afternoon this morning, but my grandma called my house in the freaking 8am plus. Damn lah, super angry lor. Its like, she call my house for what? It also been a routine that she will call my dad handphone. Moreover, SO EARLY CALL MY HOUSE TO WAKE EVERYONE UP ISSIT?! Never use your brain de loh. Super angry about it. Dumbass. Afte that, my bro use my laptop for restoring my iPhone. So I went online till now. Just lazy to off the comp, can play music and I can use it whenever I feel like it right at the moment. HAHAA ^.^
Maybe, I should take the chance to study my accounts on my own. Since, I'm having holidays and afterall, Adrian told me that, studying with textbook is easier than listening to teacher. Well, no offence to the teacher. The teacher always say she's afraid that we can't finish the syllabus, but the prob is she's the one dragging the time, stop 4 to 5 time staring into space in one lesson just because she eavesdrop what we said in class. Isn't it waste of time? And its rude too. Practise makes perfect, she always give us practise at home but for our class, who will practise at home? And they went to school, teacher go through the question and all they do is copy. Is that learning? In the end, who suffers? Yea, as what teacher said, in the end who suffers? Those who don't practise right? Then why teacher want waste the whole class time on them when she already say, who suffers? Aiyoh, I think I just want to try to study on my own, if I don't understand I go ask other teachers. Aiyoh aiyoh aiyoh. waste of my time.
Friday, March 13, 2009 | 10:20:00 PM

Bye Joses Micheal Tengkilisan!
My best friend cum my brother since sec 1. Really been great knowing you for so so so long. 4 years, say long not so long, but short also not very short period of time. By truth, there's a period of time where I suddenly loathes you. No idea why, or I can say I forgot already. Lol! But its been really happy spending the pass 4 years with you. HAHAA. Anyway, we still will contact yea? Not as if, we not going meet foreverrrrrrrrr~~~~~
Shall elaborate abit about today.
Got back my results, was preety shocked that I pass all my subjects. I tht I will fail some of them. As I didn't take the test when I away in Europe. Lol. Results are preety good. But shall improve on English. Got distinction for accounts, combined humanities, mother tongue and maths. Got a just pass for combined sciences and english. Well, I'm preety happy for my combined sciences already. Cause I just straight away take the test after my Europe trip, which means, I don't know anything about the chapter. Back to point, after school we had a mini farewell party for Joses. He didn't dare to open up the pizzas when they pass it to his hands, so he had to place the box facing me. But in the end, he got the idea and open it up. Took lots of photos with him. Suddenly, I have no idea why I start weeping. Then pass it on to others and most of us start crying. Lol. Most of the classmates lefted and Joses start opening up the Pepsi and pour it all over us. My school uniform became half yellowish, preety style ah -.-
Then after we clean up and tht of going home.
But, while walking, my account teacher suddenly want to talk to me. Well, didn't even really bother about her. Just wasting my precious time. If she don't respect us, why should I? She can simply walk off while we are talking, why can't I? I already got the thoughts of leaving, but I respect her so I stay to wait for her. But in the end, I get this respect from her? I tht teachers should be role models for the students? So she's telling me, suddenly just walk off is a model for me to learn? Well, no more nonsense about her. No idea, what's she thinking, teacher, crapping.
Waited for teacher for the mistake of Siti's results slip. Then head to Jubilee to watch coming soon. The movie is damn gross, the whole movie just give the idea of digging out eyes! No wonder its NC16. Wonder if I can sleep tonight ^.^
Lazy to post already lah. Want to play my pet society and watch bruce lee after that.
Thursday, March 12, 2009 | 9:31:00 PM
Joses going to leave sgs and not Sg. Although his leaving but whose ain't sad? Who don't miss him? The stupid pig who sat with me during my sec 1 days. Sec 3 and 4, fooling around. The guy who tried his best to bring me back to church. But we can't be selfish to ask him stay in sgs right? People go forward to pursue for further studying, moreover its not that we can't meet him forever? His still in Sg, we can still sms, meet up or msn. All we can do is give him the greatest memories in sgs and give our full support to him. Hope he can pass his O levels with flying colours okay! If there's chance, we can meet in Australia okay? My parents don't mind letting me to Melbourne to study. Continue being a good christian, a man who builds the kingdom of God! Love you :D
Saturday, March 7, 2009 | 11:06:00 PM
Finally got a change of my blog link for using it for 3 to 4 years?
Just suddenly got the feel that my past bloglink sounds abit dumb so I came to the conclusion of changing it. But I want to keep everything a history, so started a new blog!
Well, I hope I can spend time with this blog, posting things happened in my school and my life. So that after a few more years, I can look back at the history when I've got nothing to do.
Sunday, March 1, 2009 | 10:48:00 PM