Thursday, April 30, 2009 | 11:43:00 PM

Enjoy your gift :D
| 8:25:00 PM
Seriously, Sengsang really bombed my phone -_- 8 phone calls and 1 sms from him today when I was bathing. Lol. His sms is cute. Asking me to WAKEUP! !!!%^%$#^&*
Its really peace without Kimmeng today. HAHAHAA. Life will be even better without someone. Shall not mention it. I still haven forgive him! You and your craps, not going to talk to you for few days.
School today was abit suckish. Its like damn hot and already perspiring yet still have to suffer from the talk from VP about thermometer. Urgh, don't like that. We did bring thermometers yet still have to suffer and those without thermometer can sit infront the HOD and not suffering from the heat. Not fair?
Was rather happy that my chinese teacher forgot that we're haven lesson? But just around 20 more mins, she came -_- Wanted us to do compo. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Seriously, I hate Chinese, I hate writing Chinese. One chinese word need to waste so much pen ink. Not like English just A-Z. Then maths, paying 80% attention on teacher? Cause, I finish the revision paper at home, so just keep shouting the answer out, then start chatting with Felicia. Lol. Shouted some wrong answers, cause I didn't listen to what teacher wants. Watch Freedom Writers for P.E. I spend the whole lesson sleeping -.- cause I already watched twice before. Seriously, its a good movie. A meaningful one.
I don't know what I was doing for Chemistry, was tired. So lazy to type.
All I know that, during physic and chemistry tuition today. I spend 1 hour doing 20 MCQ question. I was busying, playing with phone, slacking and crapping. The first chemistry paper I did, was all craps. All the questions I anyhow do yet teacher said he going to mark it. Oh, God bless me :) He better forget about it.
I'm not a good daughter of Christ. I didn't try my best to build the kingdom of Yours. I'm not prepared to be back. I'm not proud to tell the world that I'm your daughter. I don't have the courage to be back with You. I never want to step into your kingdom. Forgive my sins, sorry. Worshipping you like before ? :'(
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 | 9:03:00 PM
Did I say before that I overslept on Monday and nearly late. SHIIITTT
I told my mum, since monday is the start of examination. So I'm gonna wake up 15 mins earlier to have some breakfast. A good start for the examination days.
In the end, I woke up at 7.05am and all thanks to my mum who call my phone -.- Lol don't be weird, my mum is lazy to climb the stairs into my room. So we always use phone to contact. Back to point, I saw the sky is a bright and I goes "OH MY GOD!" Then I start rushing. Lucky, my mum drive a bit faster. Woooooo~
And know what? Today I overslept AGAIN! shyt. I was suppose to wake up at 6.35am then I sleep all the way to 6.45am because my mum called my phone to wake me up. Lol ^.^ I wonder I will sleep till what time if my mum didn't called me -.-
Super scared that I will overslept again tml morning! So, I'm going to ask alot ppl to bomb my phone. Wahahaha. Make sure I wake up. Lol.
I used to sleep like 2 am, 3am or 4am. But once my alarm ring, 100% I will drag my dead body out of bed. But now? Should train myself already. Gonna put 5 alarm clocks to wake me up. Make sure I wake up sia. If not I'm really dead.
Oh ya ytd my bro was "hao lian-ing" that 2 person approach him to join the modelling company as part-time model. Last week, one person approach him in Orchard. Then ytd he went Bugis and the another person from the same company of the first person approach him again -.- My bro look like a girl leh! Why approach him? My mum ask him to be part-time model to play play. No harm for me too ^^ Extra pocket money for me only. More times of restaurants and get to ask him pay half for the things I want. Wahahhaaa.
Isn't it cool that 4 couple stead on same day and half of it is good friends? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. *hinting to birthday girl*
Lastly, a pic of my bro and Jianhui * Separated pictures lah*

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 | 10:30:00 PM
Today is such a bad dayyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Its going Hot N Cold, shall listen to the song by Katy Perry.
Why say so? Morning assembly was so damn boring, urgh drag the time for our exams. The main point is to ask us bring thermometer tml. Oh, back to class change to E01-01, aircon room damn shiok right?! Your head -.- Mr paul anyhow press the controller and cause the whole room to be like sauna. After break, at least someone know how to fix the aircon and we at least got cold air.
Some stupid woman :) Felly, Yuan Jun, Jianhui and me sit just under the aircon as at first we find it quite cooling and shiok about it!
Suddenly, it rained. The 4 dumb woman was like shivering like hell business. The worst of all, Me and Felly just sit directly under the aircon and was so cold that we can't hold our pens and write. End up, all 3 of them laughing at me because my mouth is shivering -.-
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. But at least, really enjoy being in aircon room.
Angel : Work hard and promote to sec 5 to enjoy the aircon next year :)Devil : Don't waste time in Singapore lah, Go England or Australia study better *DEVIL*Just some self entertaining. Wahahaha, cause there's no exams tommorow and I didn't revise any shit today :D:D:D:D
Monday, April 27, 2009 | 10:57:00 PM
Ignorance is the best way to react. I care for I believe that I've regretted and I can choose not to care either.
Anyway, thanks Felly and Sengsang, just love the way your mind is set.
My dad said that, He and my mum will be buying a small condo near Novena and stay alone there. While me and bro can either choose staying in Kovan or St. Micheal. We have to mop the floor ourselves, clean our house and even wash our own stuff.
But, I don't want.
Chinese paper tml. Oh sucks, just hate writing chinese words.
Funny stuff today, I wrote 26th on my both paper today -.- Actually I wanted to ask the teacher, but nah. The class seems to quiet that I don't dare to speak up.
Second, my mum asked me to get the duck out of the fridge as she's cooking tml? I was sleeping halfway and I tht of it and went downstairs to get it. I took what I saw and pinch the backside of the duck. As I was just awake, I peek into the plastic bag and saw a backside so I tht there's backside it must be duck. And later my mum came home and say, you don't how to differentiate chicken and duck? My dad ask me into the kitchen to teach me how to see duck and chicken -.-
Oh that's lame. Definitely.
Friday, April 24, 2009 | 9:52:00 PM
This is cool. Its so damn cool!
Examinations are like 3 days to go? I'm like just taking mid-year exams like a normal test. No idea why I feel that way too. But I still have to study lah -.- Idk when the exams ending, I only know next monday and tues its languages and others don't ask me XD
Went for cafe cartel with Belle and Greg after school today, just as I was craving for breads and looking back memories for our days last year with Joses, Jianhui, Belle and Kittisak which drop by in Cafe Cartel last year. Meeted with Huiting & co on bus to Fareast. The journey was freaky ass longggggg. I fall asleep, I guess Huiting & co was trying to wake me up but I couldn't. Then went Stage as wanted to buy lanyard for Jianhui as her birthday since she wanted it. But no more stocks, so went other place to look for her present.
OOHOHOH! I can say that the saleman of the place we bought her present is damn freaking ass haolian. They are just like seems to look down on us! Moreover, they are our schoolmates, cause I saw them when I was buying food during recess. Oh little rascals. Shall complain to everyone about their bad attitude. I guess I won't go to that shop if those salesman are there. Simply sucks man. Customers are always correct okayyyyyy! Want me teach you issit? Ill-mannered! Its not I'm sensitive or what. Its even Belle, Greg, Huiting, Karen and Vivian sense the same thing! Crapshyt.
We then head to Cineleisure, Greg actually wanted to buy wallet, but he got no money and wanted me to lend him. But I already swipe my card too many times and my bank going thinner. So I psycho him not to buy. Moreover, He changed so many times this year! and his wallet is just a little dirty not torn or whatsoever. He just need to save money. We was walking across NUM and I saw a bag! I just love the colour of the bag. Well, might be buying if my bro sponser half the price of it :D That's what he said before we go Paris, don't know whether this agreement expired already? HEHEEHEE
We then went home and greg's ezlink got no money. Then heard that he did something real funny. Not going elaborate here but ask belle on msn ba :D
Study study study, going to study for my geography soon. Then Monday they might be going over my house to study, should be studying for Chemistry and Social Studies, after they lefted then I spend my time doing accounts practise. Tues will be at home preparing some stuff for wednesday.
Urgh, feeling hungry now. My mum didn't pack food for me when they came home, she wanted to share her portion with me. But I don't want. So I'm eating Maggie Mee sooner or later.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | 9:14:00 PM
Oh crap, can't stand my class. You guys rocks man. Er, so lately what are we doing?
- quarrel with mother tongue teacher
- discuss jie-di relationship
- greg and his mother mary hankercheif
Lol. Common factors about the class. Today was so tiring man. During Chem, Ms Tan just said "I think we should give them a test on dunno-which-chapter" and so we got chem test on thursday. Btw, Ms tan was talking to Ms Munira infront of me, not that I eavesdrop them. Accounts was great! Totally amazing :D After few months of crapping with the previous teacher, finally join back the class and understand things about bad debts. Lol, we was crapping with teacher on the next day after I return from Amsterdam. Geography is always the same, copy copy and COPY. Hahaha. Still got tuition after school ! So feel like dying already. Tuition was totally waste time, did my own notes on Chemistry and when time ended, I walk off and lefted my calculator and thank God, going back to get it tml. Shyt.
Went home and waited for my parents but I fall asleep and didn't realise that they are home! Lol. I dont like my house, I hate cimbing stairs. When can we move house neh? Everyday climb stairs also very sian lor, want drink some water during middle of the night, need to climb down. Forgot bring something, need climb down and up again. Internet connection prob, need climb down and climb up and check whether laptop can connect. Urgh, I dont like to climb. Why my parents must buy this type of house?

Friday, April 17, 2009 | 7:05:00 PM
Actually intend to blog yesterday, but due to busy so didn't got the chance to on my laptop. Hehee. Slept at 3am last night and sleep all the way to 12pm this afternoon :D I purposely turn off my alarm. Lol, tired to attend school. Shall revise Geography later.
School for yesterday is quite okay. Totally forgot about Chinese test, got abit shocked when teacher came in asking us to separate tables. Freaky, the paper is so difficult. Then had Mathematics, well are we studying? No idea manz, we are loitering around the school and back to class for chit chat. Next was PE. Phew, thanks God, I passed my 2.4 last week, so didn't have to run anymore. But didn't want to help Mr Wee and decided to walk. Huiting was so unlucky! She had to run 6 rounds. Just because the timer didn't record properly! Can't imagine if this situation happen to me, actually can pass it, but end up because of timer's fault gotta failed. Had Chemistry test after that, totally forgot what to test for carbon dioxide and just write down combustion. Some worse, they wrote photosynthesis. Lmao, my class always give stupid and funny answers. Argh, I'm so lazy to blog. Forget it, Next was account and didn't really study and after that was to go comp lab for social studies game. Had chinese oral after that. I guess I didn't met expectation. Urgh.
Actually tht of going swimming today, but I got a cut on my leg. So didn't went and stay home the whole day. Urgh, so damn sad lah. My bro went gym and I can't go also. -.-
Ciaoz, going downstairs to look for any food.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 | 10:41:00 PM
Back here, after few weeks of slacking. Gonna buck up liao lah.
First of all, gonna blog about greg's stupid jokes.
He came to say, "Do you know mother mary's handkercheif at bukit timah?"
Lmao, everyone burst into laughter for this stupid joke.
Then Jian came to ask me last night " Jesus' cross still around?"
Curious me, went to ask Siok. In the end, its a joke! Shit you lah, cheat my feeling -.-
Greg even say his mum said " oh my God" during night time. And he asked his mum, " you see God ah?" He and his freaking jokes. Hhaaha! And the high times we had during Mother Tongue lesson. We start rapping with chinese idioms, everyone said that I'm going to be a nun and his preparing to be a monk.
This week is mentally tiring man. Although we take a nap in the afternoon, but still feel so tired! So many tests manzzzxzxzxz. Maybe I just stressing myself up. Jian and guys are just like relaxing and studying, in order to fail to makes rooms for themselves to pass the next test. But for me, pass in order to makes rooms for myself to do even better. Different people, different perspectives. Will be skipping school this friday, stay home and sleep till afternoon and maybe going swimming.
Urgh, mid year exams coming, then its mock exams and the real N level. All faster over okay? I'm not nervous for the exams and in fact I'm panick for the minor test. Urgh.
p/s : Why must all the faults be on us? Have you ever reflect on yourself? If same words had be spoken by 2 different people, why we tends to listen to the other person and not you? Why don't you think of this question? And even we laugh because of some jokes also can't, in the end we got punished? You ownself also can't concentrate on teaching, how to make us concentrate on you? At first, I feel so happy to have you. So that I can brush up those I missed during Secondary 3, but I got the wrong idea. In fact, now I don't even feel like studying for Secondary 4 chapter. Do you actually yearn for our respect? Do you still remember the last day of term 1? You talked to me and Siti and just freaking walk off suddenly and leave us like a dumb there. Do you respect before us? Do you think you have the position to earn our respect? So don't even call the other part of the class to thank their parents, cause you don't have the position to say this!