Sunday, May 31, 2009 | 12:20:00 AM
DAMN PEKCHEK! DAMN PEKCHEK!No idea why I got so agitated so easily on stuff? Actually I don't really have to care so much right? Feel like cancelling everything, MIA from everything. Disband the whole group since all so not steady about it. If you guys don't even care, why must I?
Please speak relevant stuff to me now, OR I WILL BLOW ON YOU TOP. FUCK.
Saturday, May 30, 2009 | 9:00:00 PM
Money, money and MONEY WHERE ARE YOU?!
Shit, everything needs money. Singapore has a very "xian shi" society. Holidays are starting, first week of holidays gonna be exhaust, hectic, fruitful, fun, tiring and ~ continue yourself.
But after all, it gonna be fun and nice, right guys? Love you guys to the max man.
Sunday: Some Mission :D (secret)
Monday: tuition on 3.15pm, meet nick for dinner at Kovan, Midnight going Jurong Fishery Port with Jian and YongSheng & parents
Tuesday: Prepare myself man. Might head down to dad's office to do homework. Don't want to be alone at home.
Wednesday: Meet Jian, Belle, Felli, Greg, YongSheng, ZhenYu to nearby City Plaza to buy grocery for the upcoming class BBQ. Then head to East Coast Park for Class BBQ. Joses and MrsJohn will be coming! Tonning there too :D
Thursday: Rest at home, might want to head with Yongsheng to Golden Mile to get his travel fees paid. Then to mum's office.
Friday to Monday: Flee to Genting with Jian, Nick and Yongsheng.
So many events coming up, going finish and chiong my homework man. Might just do abit during first week and most of them after first week. Should plan my to-do list?
- Finish up maths homework. Every week will be having tuition, so will practise there.
- Finish up Physics "N" level book. A bit more only.
- Finish up Social Studies and English homework.
- Do some POA "N" level book and homework.
- Start revising Chemistry and Geography.
That's all. Maybe its just a guideline. Wooooooooo~
Might post photos of BBQ and Genting :D Ciaoz, going to update iPhone :D
Friday, May 29, 2009 | 1:35:00 PM
Did I just did something stupid?
Yes, I throw my drink packet on the floor and pick it up to throw into rubbish bin.
My friends was like saying, Why are you doing so? You already litter on the floor, why still pick it up. Lol.
Got back my results, abit suay about my maths. I've been saying a lot of times. I've no idea why, the moment I turn open my maths paper, my whole mind went blank. Suddenly so stunt, end up totally did very bad for the paper.
I'm abit not happy about my accounts' results. Always aim to get first but end up kissing other's butt by few marks. Same goes to Geography, although still top 3 but still kissing Jian's butt but overpass Azureen :D
Might head to town later on. Been long since lasted hang out in town, went there with my mum and Jianhui before exams. After exams, got accident with bicycle and couldn't went out. Actually, my leg hurts a lil when I walk, but just bear with it. Might have some problems running.
Going off soon.
Ciaoz, shall post again soon :D
Thursday, May 28, 2009 | 8:03:00 PM
Give a new post. Just got nothing to post lately, or I can say excuses for lazyness.
Tml will be the last day of term 2, June holiday need to study also. I dont really understand why is there no extra lesson for the first 2 weeks of the holiday? My bro and others have been telling me that there will be extra lesson. Seriously, don't understand lor.
Teachers always say that we are weak weak weak, then they don't give extra lesson. Yet they keep nagging on us that you need EMB3 EMB3 EMB3.
And, its like a prisoner to attend school lately. We don't have any lessons on, we don't have any post exam activities. Yes, NAPFA counted post exam activity? Its so miserable to attend school, you are been locked to one classroom, can only leave the room unless going toilet and stuff. There's only 2 major bells, one for recess one for dismissal.
Friday, May 22, 2009 | 3:39:00 PM
Rotted at home for the whole day! Was happily sleeping until 10pm then my mum called to tell me that MrPaul wants a MC. Seriously, call me for what? If he wants a MC then go to the doctor and get it. I'm also not a doctor. Got woke up by the call and went downstairs to start watching tv and rotting all the way till now. Urgh, should have attend school de lor. Waste my time rotting at home. At least school got friends to play with.
I realise that today's 22th may. Is the 2009 Shandong group setting off today? Well, if they are, have fun man. Bond well with your China buddy. Kinda miss going overseas. Miss going Shandong with Sheena and guys, miss going Macau and break into their Casino, miss going Paris and see couples kissing at the top of Eiffel, miss Belgium eating/shopping with my cousins, miss the sexy women in Amsterdam. Miss alot alot. Hopefully, I'm able to go Genting with Greg and family this June holiday. Moreover, going Belgium to meet my cousins. Few days also, when I was chatting with my cousin on Msn. The first thing she said was " when are you coming to visit me?" Lol. My mind went blank. Seriously pray that I could do well in my prelims and N level to gain the confidence I had with my teachers and parents. So they could trust me and allow me to be independent.
Well, I couldn't go school before of my leg. I got a sprain on my feet and my skin of my right toe was peeled off. The doctor said that I have to rest and not walk too much. Why issit caused? Okay, I have been repeating alot of times.
My right toe's skin, because I was cycling with the bicycle and I saw a lorry, of course I braked right, if not I would be knock down and lying in the hospital. Then Jiehan could not see and bang into me. Causing my skin to peeled off and its now very disgusting. Liquid flowing out and some white stuff too.
My right feet, caused by roller blading. I guess I was braking too hard with the roller blade and so causing my bones abit painful? Not really sure what happened.
Okay, Ciaoz. Going look for things to do.
Monday, May 18, 2009 | 9:43:00 PM
Got back most of the results. This mid year, pretty bad, damn bad, ass bad. I've got 2 teacher in one day telling me that I didn't met expectation, I should get top 2 but.... or keep saying, under perform. Will get good grades if you really study. Starting to doubt this words, yes for some subject I'm so tired to study, so just run through. For accounts, I studied like shit the night before exams. Thank God, I got 75.
Aiya, this mid year is just a surprisingly as last year. Don't like mid years. Rmb last year, our account teacher Ms Ong actually resign on the day we're having accounts exams! This year, no account teacher leaving :( But yet, its seems like the whole school is droppping their standard. Jian, which is strong in sciences actually flunk. Sengsang, amaths which is confident but end up also dissapointed. Of course, there's more. You're able to see how people say about they flunk their exams but facebook or blog. So bloghopping ba.
Lord, for you be with me, a sudden fear rush through me. I don't know what to do, can you take me and lead me through everything. Is it, just like secondary 2, with I sudden knock some sense and went studying and got into top 20%. Lord, I pray that you will lead me through things. For I believe in you. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
Saturday, May 16, 2009 | 5:11:00 PM

Kittisak's and Joses's property, that's what they are learning in school. *tsk*
During sec 3 :D
Mid year exams was over. Now, focus on prelims. Maybe I will give myself a 2 weeks or so break, then start revising for prelims. Although its just a mid year exams, but most of us got preety stress up. There still a unknown relief in us after finishing physics paper!
As what Jian's blog was say, some may leave and part of it may stay. Our first graduating year, give a best shot man. Although I seriously don't feel like going sec 5 just as I feel its a total waste of time. But no choice, I will give my best shot and if I'm able to promote, I will. Its always better to have at least a O level cert.
Monday and tuesday, getting back results. This mid year seems to rush. Everyone have a mindset that, "aiya just mid year, also never affect N level" so end up, not doing quite well. Not other others, me too. Just have this mindset to let myself not so nervous about it. But, its seems wrong isn't?
UNDER PERFORM FOR THIS MID YEAR! Prepare for my lousy results, asshole.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 | 9:28:00 PM

Hi guys. Today's paper was like, so damn buttock-aching papers. Chemistry sucks like hell man. If you ask whether I its difficult or easy, I would say I don't know. I guess I would flunk chemistry paper, even pass its just a border pass. So bless me on Physics okay.
Then second paper is maths paper 1. Totally so sucks, 2 hour paper! The paper was okayokay lah. Know how to do, but some don't know so end up anyhow write numbers. Finished the paper around 1hour45mins, feeling so damn restless lah. Somemore, school is damn noisy, got ppl screaming and shouting. So whole class was looking outside and the invigilators was like " eh, concentrate on you paper! " *looking outside*
Enough of craps? Haven study for maths paper 2! Not yet to do revision, shall start at 10pm lah. Then do till around 11pm plus? Then followed tml wake up around 8.30 to study and bath then head to school. I shall go home after paper tml. Straight home, hopefully.
Tml another buttock-aching paper. Maths paper 2, 2 hours. Oh sucks.
Monday, May 11, 2009 | 12:36:00 AM
Happy Mother's Day.
Splendid Day man!
My cousin from Belgium, Kaytien known as Kaij said this on msn " Haiiiii mommy, you sexy!" So I was wondering, " did his mom went Jacuzzi naked and roll on snow?" *western is open lah* Then after, I then realise that its mommy's day!
So, Happy mommy day and happy birthday to JianHui's dad too :D
Sunday, May 10, 2009 | 8:44:00 PM

With Felicia during maths lesson, Jolanda tied my hair.
Just to imitate my pri school photo!

Trying to tear my skins :X
Hi guys. Back here after a few days of busying. Seriously, so tired and busy since the last the I blogged, Thursday? Went out to Vivo with friends till night then Saturday went to had lunch with mum. And today, went for my cousin's wedding. I'm so dead now. I was planning to bath, but as I watched Charlie the chocolate factory, I fall asleep.
Today was much fruitful and better than yesterday. At least I did helped out in the wedding, to play along with them. After that, going study for accounts later on. Damn it, TIRED. But no choice, who asked that I didn't studied for yesterday. Actually I planned to study for accounts yesterday, but things just cropped up and don't go in the way. So changed plan to today.
So no matter how tired I'm, I still have to study study and study. But its the matters of time, later or now. Chosen, later on with my brother. So what am I going to do now to keep me awake eeheheheheheheheheh, watch tv? chat with someone? what's more? So feel like sleeping already.......
Shall then elaborate things that happened in VivoCity. Well, what's famous in Vivo? The water on the rooftop right? So we guys went to played with it, of course bare foot. Then as I was standing on the wood and wants to start walking, the wood went into my feet. I mean like, a small piece of wood went between skins. Then all of us, started to help me dig out. Using things such as keys, Manneken Pis, safety pins and finger nails. They start using nails to try pulling out, but nah don't works. Then took out keys, as if it would work -_- After that, Manneken Pis that anyhow rub my leg till a longer cut occurs.
But afterall, Gregory was like using safety pins to tear all my skins away and the wood would be seen and taken off. Was like limping all the way man.
Ohohohohoh, so so tired that can I sleep forever? Tired of living, tired of studying, tired of preparing for N, tired of being in small Singapore, tired of being alone, tired of summer, tired for nothing better to do, tired of all things round.
I miss Belgium, been long since I lasted talk to sisters and kaytien. Guess you guys life have been great right? At least its now summer, don't have to freeze or afraid of embarrassing that you stepped on snows that make you tripped. Urgh, don't like Singapore.
Seriously, I'm falling in or out of love?
Thursday, May 7, 2009 | 10:10:00 PM

YO guys. Today's socialstudies paper is damn lucky. I woke up 30mins earlier to study for socialstudies. Reach school preety early and as class was quite crowd and noisy so I head to staircase alone to study. But thank God, Essay came on was causes and consequences of Sri Lanka. Phew. Was so happy that this question came out. I did my essay first, maybe its because of my hair. So I was like holding my hair and rushing the essay. I guess Mrpaul tht I'm like super stress that he came and ask me " are you okay?" Lol. Not the first time people asking me :X During normal lesson, when I'm doing my work. People always come infront of me asking "you very stress ah?" Or, " very stress right?"
Lol. Geography paper tml. I just finish studying river management, ox-bow lakes, erosion & transportation and the waterfalls and rapids. Going to study for sec 4 stuff later on. The indicators and what hinders or help the development. HHAAHA. So don't feel like studying, all about common sense. Example like, why is literacy rate low in Low Develop Countries (LDC) ? Cause the government got no money to build schools and stuff for the young generation. And people in LDC are more traditional, they believe that only guys worth receiving education and not the girls.
Urgh, so boring >.<
My mummy wants me to learn squash or tennis. But afterall, I guess I will take up squash rather than tennis? HAHAHAAH. Or I'm so lazy that I don't feel like taking up anything. I though of dragon boat, but my mum say that eventually your arms will become broad.
I'm so going to study indicators and development now. I'm scare of the level marking. Urgh. Howhowhow.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 | 9:04:00 PM
I don't know whether I should say this. But seriously, today is the best day of the best, because the class is damn peaceful. One of the best wonderful day I ever had in my upper secondary life.
Feeling so boring, there's socialstudies exams tml. I finished memorizing SriLanka's causes and consequences and deterence.Total 3 essay! Going to study for conflict among countries later on at 10pm and go through Srilanka later on too. Seriously, brain like going to burst burst and burst. Actually we've got 17 essay to memorize, then mrpaul cut down till 13 essay. Then I went to cut down to 4 essays. HAHAHA.
The night before socialstudies exams, everyone texting each other asking "what you study, what you study? How you study? how you study?" Some even ask " got hint anot ah?" I received 5 people asking me what to study -_______- Jolanda even tell me on msn, "aiya, mid year exams only. I now still on holiday mood can" Lol.
Suddenly feel that Secondary 3 is much better, still remember when we about to have our mid year exams, everyone was asking each other what you study? And its only 3 essay choose 2 to memorize lor. I guess, Mrsjohn was irritated as we seems that we don't want to start our paper. Well, will that happen again tml?
Oh ya, I'm so excited for after N levels man. My dad was discussing with my that this year wedding angbaos must spend quite alot. This sunday on my cousin's wedding, then mid of may on my dad's customer wedding. Followed by my dad's friend, Vincent wedding, after that, August is Qiuling sis wedding. Then by my dad's cousin wedding. Total of 5 this year. Well, Qiuling sis wedding is cool, she got 3 wedding days. One in Amsterdam, one in Hongkong and the one we attending is in Malaysia. So cool right? Who got so many weddings dinners like her.
My dad say I wont be attending his cousin's wedding as I'm away to Europe during the end of year. Yeah man, he allows me to go :D Should be dropping over Netherlands or London. Hope to visit Paris disneyland, Switzerland to ski, Amsterdam's red light district again! And visit Italy together with Uncle and cousin. I want to be away, because holidays is very bored and of course, I dont want to go back to collect results, I don't feel like facing teachers. Ask my parents get for me can le. Hopefully, I can visit Europe this year man.
Urgh, enough of saying man. Shall go downstairs and look for dinner.
10pm then back lying on bed, talking to the wall.

Sunday, May 3, 2009 | 10:52:00 PM
Went town with Belle, Teng and met Jian over there ytd. Having thoughts of studying over Hard Rock Cafe. But end up, things went wrong. * read on!
I cab to Somerset Mrt to met them. As its too hot and I couldn't take it so took cab. Then we had our lunch at KFC. I was busying sufting the net over my phone to check some stuff.
We went NewUrbanMale to look for the backpack I wanted to buy. Just as I stamp my foot, my stupid pin ( Havaianas named it tukytuky ) drop into the gap of the floor. Then I ask the ambassador about repairing it. But asked to head to Heeren NUM.
So we went, as bags was on 50% discounts Jian was deciding to buy and now the ambassador, Melvin is a nice guy, he made several calls to other outlets about other bags and also he was holding 7/8 bags as I was thinking whether to buy backpack or handbag. We chatted with him for 1 or 2 hours and Jian finally bought that bag.
After that, we headed back to Cine to look for the same model bag but different colour, Melvin went along too. This time the ambassador is Alex. I'm so fussy about the colour that Alex was holding 5/6 bags.
As I was making payment, Jian and guys was so curious about the sensor things. I guess they did something to the sensor and it suddenly rang. Hahaha. I was receiving my receipt and card from Alex and I turned back looking at the sensor, which cause my card to slip into the floor gap. Everyone was like looking, the first ambassador was like telling me "second time ah!" Lol. Actually Jian and guys can run away with the bag as every ambassador attention is on how are they going to get my card out!
Lol. Then we head to Far East to change Jian's gift. Again that school boy -_____-
Jian went in and I didn't want to but everyone went in, so I followed. The guy was like "CANNOT!" Like stupid rude lah. Can't he be polite and say "eh, sorry we can't because....."? He straight away turn us down. Seriously, I'm super angry about it lor. I was thinking that whether I should ask my mum to write in to their manager.
Okay, we went Stage to buy my bro's cap. Then went esplanade. So cause the whole day didn't study a single shit.
Just one day, we went to 2 different kinds of shops. Yet we can see how their promoter/saleman's attitude. You just can't deny that NUM ambassador are much more patient and nice. However, the Ncore guy was like so attitude. I told my mum about it, and she said. You asked the guy " do you know what is being polite?" So what if we are just like teenagers or I can say school kids. Aren't all customers be treated the same? Why people from other company can do so well yet the other do it with attitude and others. Since you've your attitude then don't work, don't bring the reputation of the shop down. You show your attitude towards customers, so it seems that our position has changed? You are the customer and we are the worker? Yet, we don't get our pay but pay for your stuff? Seriously, what worker is this? If you have got a attitude problem, I don't think you're suitable to be working in this carreer line. Just get a change of job!
Photos next week, when I receive it :D