Saturday, October 24, 2009 | 10:52:00 PM
AHHHHH. iPhone why can't you sync? I want my music, photos, application etc.
HAHAHA. I went swimming downstairs with Coffee, Keropok, Durianlycee and Youtiao. Then Keropok, Durianlycee, Youtiao and I went to Potong Pasir to eat. After I walked all my way to my dad's office! Arse, because I didn't know how to walk to busstop. So I stupidily walk all my way there.
Shall update some photos, its all mixed up and it doesn't go along with the dates, places.

Thursday, October 15, 2009 | 8:59:00 PM
WAHAHAHHAA. EH EH EH! After so many days of busy-ing. Finally got the chance to stay home and play over the network. Well, its been real busy this days, wahahaha actually I dont even know I'm busy with what.
Well, actually I got to bath! Moreover, I have not been sleeping on my bloody bed for 2 nights! URGHHHHHHHH, damn miss it.
My room is like a junk! I have not pack since I've moved into this place. Well, I will do it on Monday. Serious monday.....
Well, be ready for my next post about class bbq! Wahahah, I'm excited whether its exciting, shocking or any expression you can ever mention.....
Friday, October 9, 2009 | 9:22:00 PM
HAHAHHAA. Eh, today I went East Coast Park for fishing with a lot people. Well, those clique ya ya ya.. You guys know. Well, not the main point.
I got bloody sunburn for my whole hands and face. So I now look super red. And I my arms got 2 colour tone! AHHHHHHH. My arms damn red. ASSSSS......
After fishing, went to Geylang to eat Beeef Hor Fun with Nick with the audience of Jian and Belle enjoying our meal. Then head to eat Roti Prata for Jian, Belle. And me and Nick being the audience. Wahahha. Then went home and went swimming with my momma....
Now, my hair is damn wet. So I wrap it up with towel lying on my bro's bed typing. With my dad came into the room after he just got home calling me " BABU! " Lol. No offence for bangalas man.... I still love you guys for contributing to the society. WAHAHHA. Eh, those bangalas clear your house litter hor, they take jobs that Singaporean doesn't take. Like construction, sweep floor, clear litter bins.
Oh, why am I saying that? Anyway, last people! POAAA. A1 please.....
Gonna spend my sat and sun revising POA. CHEERS. Pray that I get A1 okay? WAHAHAHAHHA
Ciaoz and take care!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 | 3:40:00 PM
A day off from school. WAHAHAHA. But still got to chiong for Geography and Maths paper 2. I feel so dead like a zombie now. Because, I have to chiong for my Geography revision on Food and River. Damn boring can >.<>
One day, will go up and kill the doggy for dinner! WAHAHAHA. Jkjk. Shall complain to management. I'm not cruel.
AHHHH. So damn bored. I bet the clique is out in East Coast Park cycling. Well, hope they have fun. Nonetheless, I also had my fun studying Geography river.... Ox bow lake, Levees, River Channelisation, Meanders, River volume, River velocity etc etc. Later, I'm still having my Maths tuition at 5pm. Well, I hope it can help me prepare for my paper 2. Then got to practise and prepare for tommorow's maths paper 2. After, during the break from 10am to 2pm. Gonna revise all on Geography, including Food and River. Can imagine how much? HAHAHAHA.
Oxbowlake, levees, floodplains, waterfall, river volume, river velocity, river transportation, river erosion, deltas, meanders, river channelisation, drainage pattern, courses of river. Green Revolution, blue revolution, Reason for intensify food production, problems of intensify food production, reason for consumption of non staple food, GM food, problems of GM food. Somemore? No idea. WAHAHAHA
My geog food is like only 3/4 absorbed. River still okok lah. Not done with the revision of levees, floodplains, waterfall, rapids, deltas, meanders.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 | 8:00:00 PM
YO! I've have already moved house, also because of the cable problem. I finally got the internet. Wahahahaahha. Seriously, can die without internet. Cause I will check mails, facebook, netlog daily on my phone. Wahahah.
Also, its in midst of N levels. But all I think about is to play, slack and relax..... Have been so relax for the last week. Damn relax. Monday, went home myself and took 1 hour -.- because its the first time I travel from school to home.
Then Tuesday, it was Annabelle's bday! Was really discussing where we should go. But afterall, went to East Coast Park to enjoy the sea breeze. However, went to roller blade and cycled. In the end, I fall on the down slope and hit my chin, hurt my hands. This results to, I look like having a beard.
Wednesday, abit regretted to head to school. As my chin, became swollen and bruised. So damn ugly, being laughed by a lot people -.- However, seek advice from, Alvin Adrian Siti Azureen and took early leave with Nick Yangfan and Gerald. Went to eat and straightaway fall asleep when I reached home.
Thursday, was suppose to end school at 2.10pm. However, was super slacking and tired. So went to out of school at 1.10pm. Head to Bugis with Belle, Jian, Nick, Gerald and Yangfan.
Friday, Wahahahha. Was really wondering if I should go Wild Wild Wet with them. Firstly, Exams are round the corner. Secondly, my hand was not suitable for water activities. But however, still went to playyyy. HAHAHAHA.
Well, photos please visit