Sunday, November 29, 2009 | 8:39:00 PM
Urgh! I'm feeling super bored right now.
Will be heading to Wheelock Place to repair my watch, maybe by wednesday. HAHAHAA. I want to watch Twilight Saga also! Not forgetting the Paranormal Activity.
Aiya, is all these movie still very popular and packed in the theatre?
I've got nothing to say, I so going to watch tv in the living room.
L.Jianhui, Annabelle.Y, C.Yongsheng, let's go for gathering mannn!
Saturday, November 28, 2009 | 9:14:00 PM
Currently using my bro's comp to update this post. HAHAHAA. Well, my comp's Msn is still having problems. Therefore, I can't login my Msn. So either I'll be using my bro's lappy, my mum's office computer or my iPhone ebuddy. But still, no one there to chat with me! Cause all, working!
In the month of December, everyone will be loaded! Rich, rich, rich! As they will get their pay, all but not me :( Cause I don't have a job! Not I didn't want to work, it's because I not in the eligible age of working. Therefore, I will wait for my parents to give my allowances every month.
Also, this bloody month, damn broke man! My parents only gave me allowance of $250. And the first day I got my allowance, I already spend away $60. Then after all little stuff, my bank account is getting thinner and thinner like a piece of paper. Also, I pay for my own airticket okay!!! $575!!! I pay all by myself! Unlike, the two spoilt brat that going China with me, they use their parent's moneyyyy!!
HAHAHAAA. Okay lah, maybe I shall post a few of damn old outdated photos taken on 29th August 2009, which is my bro's bday BBQ. Well, I had exams during that period of time also, I just received the photos!
Anyway, 12 more days to Shenyang! Get ready, L.Jianhui and N.Nicholas! LET'S GO AND ANYHOW SPEND MONEY !!
Okay, up to here.
Ciao ciao.
Sunday, November 22, 2009 | 8:58:00 PM
Jay Sean is damn effing HOT! His song, down feat lil wayne was one of the top chart for a long time! Love him super much, he is super hot!
Go go go listen to "down" and also "do you remember".
Okay, did some entertaining for my grandma's cousin as she pay a visit to Singapore. Sent her to my dad's office and also my house. Then we went to Sim Lim Square to repair the family computer. HAHAHAA. The common computer for all.
I realised holiday is going to end soon! LOL! This coming week, monday going to go for injection then go shopping with my mum. Tuesday, going to work at dad's office. Wednesday, maybe outing or work at dad's office. Thurday- Sunday, might be working for IT fair. Wahahahaa. Then the following week, will be either slacking at home, watching tv, going for swimming, gym or play tennis if my bro is free. Then 6 Dec going for wedding, after 9 Dec going to Shenyang till 29 Dec, come back, school reopen!
Should I service my watch? Or buy a new one. If I would want a new watch, I might get a Burberry one? Should I? But I like my current watch, which I bought in Switzerland. HAHAHAHA. Or get someone to buy me Rado watch. LOLLLLLLLLL >.< I'm talking craps, seriously, IGNORE ME!
Friday, November 20, 2009 | 4:36:00 PM
I'm going for an injection soon! Well, soon soon. Maybe this coming monday?
HAHAHAHAAA. My parents heard YangFan do drive around in Shenyang, China, and they immediately say that they might want to buy more insurance for me. Also, it's because my mum is reading the newspaper. Therefore, she found out that there's H1N1 in China and wanted me to go for a jab.
Oh ya, I had a dream yesterday night. I dreamt that Mr Paul give me a book that consist of testimonial, results and stuff. Also, I scored 13 points for GCE N level! Well, dreams also come weirdly and happened in weird places. The place that Mr Paul give my results slip is not in school hall, but inside my house toilet! LOL. I've no idea why too.
Thursday, November 19, 2009 | 11:06:00 PM
HELLOOO GUYS. I'm back. Holidays was so damn bored. Primary school just going to start their holidays, Secondary already started their holiday like few weeks ago. But I already had my holidays for a month ago!
AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Iwas so damn bored because there's problem with my msn and also most of the peeps out there are working! Urgh, I did work okay. My job is to wake up at 10am, bath and watched tv then head to office with my mum to have lunch with my dad. Then back to office, look around, slack around and go home sleep! Wahahahaha. I'm enjoying life, my dad gonna sack me away soon.
Since I'm so damn freaking ass bored, therefore I'm here to make this blog alive. Also, I got my cammy back from Ace, so I did upload photos from the cammy, which is Qiuling's wedding in KL! Well, I only upload some of them, because it took me bloody, 5 mins to upload 2 photos! And also, other photos of those tea ceremony and stuff. So I only upload photos of the youngster, which consist of my cousins.
Okay, my dad is so damn waiting for me to leave Singapore to Shenyang, China, on 10 Dec. Cause he say, I won't be around and he can have a clear mind, no more of my noise. Also, he can sleep on my bed, use my soundbar. He is going to buy horror movie and play on my sound bar loudly to give that "Boomboom" sound effect. Damn, I hope that my stuff on the shelf won't drop down. Well, to be exact, my books don't drop. HAHAHAHA. BOOKS.
Since I came to the point of BOOKS, AHHHHHHHHHHHH. After the whole working hard everynight for the last few damn 6 months (?) I leaving my books on the shelf and I replacing in with this lappy. Well, I had it replaced since 12th October 2009 till now. See-ing those books on the shelf, I feel so sorta of weird inside me. Seems like everything happened so sudden. Remember those nights, working for hours on this table. Preparing myself for sciences, geography, maths and also accounts. Well, I prepared my social studies, English and Chinese in my another house. Aiya, in short terms, I somehow miss school, but I enjoy now! No homeworks, just play play play. Butbutbut! The results will be release in one month time! If I never promote, I have no plans. If I promote, means I will have to replace my lappy with books. Seriously, I have no plans if I didn't promote la. I'm serious...... Private? ite? I don't know....
Well, here are the 2 pathetic photo of Qiuling's wedding in KL.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 | 11:06:00 PM