Hey ! I finally had some time to update this blog. Well, school have been quite busy with tests and also revision -.- Every week there's at least 2 tests on average. Damn it. But still, this is not the part where I dislike school. Its when, you have to bloody wake up at 6.15am everyday!! Okay, except Wednesdays only. The feeling is urghhhh, feel like turning the alarm off and continue to sleep till 9 or 10 am. But school! No choice but to drag myself out of bed everyday!
But still, its been like my weekly routine to skip Fridays from school. Reason being, the lesson is boring, Physical Education, Maths, English, Social Studies and MOTHER TONGUE =.=" Most of the lesson is that you can manage it at home, except for maths. However, Maths only take up the pathetic 30mins on Friday, and worse its after PE. So we will drag our time for 10 mins or so to cool ourselves down and get to serious work. Which only left with 20 mins of Maths. Pathetic -.-
That's practically school ! Revisions now. Cause we have finish most of the syllabus. Secondary 5 is a total waste of time.
Some overdue photos, which I didn't have time to update last few weeks.

I look so damn ball-y. Its all air inside the jacket! >.<

Min and Jian's day out :D

To Orchard after supp classes during March holidays.

This desert makes me pooo. Because with coconut milk, next destination is toilet!

The pink cab we took to Somerset! Heard its the one and only in SG. Also, quite a number of celebrity had taken this cab!

Didn't your parents told you that Garfield and Spongebob are best friends?

Its been long since I blogged !
Well, just say, I'm lazy, busy, tired, nothing to blog, or whatsoever. EHEHEHEHE
Anyway, shall say HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIKKE! Although its 19th March, but I bet European's timing is 7 hours slower.
Shall blog with photos, hopefully, when I'm in the mooddd.
ciaociao :D